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My mind is always traveling even though I've lived in one town my whole life. I'm a writer, but a mailman by trade. I love working in the sunshine and meeting new people. I was a desk jockey for 7 yrs and would NEVER go back. I'm married 16 wonderful yrs to a beautiful woman who gets me, not an EZ person to find. We have 4 great former stray cats, who enliven our house. If I make you laugh hard, then I get the greatest enjoyment out of the experience. I play board games on Fri. nites and we laugh like hyenas while taking nothing stronger than coffee. I've taken the Pepsi Challenge and Coke's a sorry 2nd. I understand Big's Elizabeth Perkins when she says she wouldn't want to be young again--I'm having too much fun now! The Perfect Birthday: Pool, movie, dinner at German restaurant. I hope this site is a great success. Favorite Joke: Woman in bar slides up to a man and says, "You smell nice, what've you got on?" Man says, "I've got a hard-on Honey, but I didn't know you could smell it."